In remembrance of all those who lost their lives or were otherwise affected by the egregious acts perpetrated against the Unites States on September 11, 2001, Action Target has created a 10 year commemorative logo. This logo will be added to all Law Enforcement Training Camp (LETC) shirts worn this year by all range staff, instructors, and participants.
Each aspect of this logo represents a sacred part of the event that changed our country forever. The 2001-2011 represents the journey our country has gone through as we’ve moved forward since that difficult day. The shape of the five sides represents our nation’s Pentagon and its ability to stand despite the attack it received that day. At the center of the logo, you find the twin towers of our World Trade Center. The wings blazed with the number 93 represents United Airlines Flight #93 where passengers prevented an attack on our nation’s White House. These brave and selfless Americans made the altruistic choice to take a stand and fight, which is why the terrorists that hijacked Flight #93 never reached their goal. The ’93’ in the middle is more than a memorial; it is a disclaimer to the terrorists of the world that says, “You will not succeed. You will not break our spirit or will to fight.”
Action Target will showcase this new design to police officers from all over the U.S. at this year’s LETC.
“With LETC 2011 being held in September, there really is no better venue for Action Target to show our respect for those who gave all on that infamous day. It has been 10 years and we want everyone to know that Action Target has not forgotten. All range staff, instructors, and students at LETC will get a shirt with this new design. They will take it back to their department, their city, community, and family, which is what we want. Action Target is not just a vendor to the public safety industry; we have established relationships with those we serve and fully support them in their efforts to keep this great nation safe. As a former police officer that was on duty during the time of the 9-11 attacks, I am proud to work for Action Target and know they have not forgotten,” said Jerrod Kermath, Market Development for Action Target.
LETC is only available to law enforcement personnel and is one of the most intensive firearms program available. LETC allows all agencies, regardless of size, the opportunity to work with top instructors and bring what they learn back to their own training programs. This year LETC has world-class instructors from the Safariland Shooting School, Hoffner’s Training Division, Team Spartan, GLOCK Training, Bill Rogers Shooting School, and the Action Target Academy. The high caliber instruction coupled with a comprehensive curriculum in a single training event makes LETC an annual attraction for agencies all over the U.S. and abroad.
LETC runs September 12-16, 2011 and consists of four eight-hour classes, six meals, an official LETC shirt, a camp reference book, and a lot of trigger time. As a bonus, each year Action Target includes its ‘Dirty Harry’ competition. In years past, this event has pitted students against World Champion Rob Leatham. This year’s winner will receive either a firearm or free tuition to LETC 2012.
For more information on LETC, visit the Training Calendar in the Academy section of their website. To purchase Action Target products for drop shipment direct to your U.S. range or facility, shop online at
. For other shooting-related needs, visit the Action Target subsidiary, Law Enforcement Targets.