Category: Indoor Range Products

What is a tac house?

The tac house, or shoot houses, are places where military and police practice real-life close quarters scenarios for training purposes. The simunition shoot house plays a crucial role in preparing personnel for various tactical operations, enhancing their skills in a controlled yet realistic setting. In this blog, we will explore the concept of a tac house, its design, the benefits of modular and portable versions, and why they are essential in modern tactical training.

Custom tac house built for enhanced training

Understanding Tac Houses

A tac house, short for tactical house, is a training facility designed to replicate different environments that military and law enforcement personnel may encounter in the field. These structures are meticulously planned to provide realistic training scenarios, allowing trainees to practice room clearing, hostage rescue, and other tactical operations.

Tac houses are built to be versatile and adaptable. They can mimic residential homes, commercial buildings, or any other structure that personnel might need to enter and secure. This versatility makes them invaluable for training, as they provide a safe space to practice high-risk maneuvers without the dangers of a real-world operation.

Modular TAC House creates realistic training

Shoot House Design

The design of a shoot house is critical to its effectiveness. A well-designed shoot house will offer a variety of layouts and configurations to challenge trainees and prepare them for different scenarios. Key elements of shoot house design include:

  • Versatility: The layout should be easily changeable to simulate different environments. This could involve movable walls, doors, and windows.
  • Safety: Safety is paramount in a shoot house. Materials used in construction must be able to withstand live fire and prevent ricochets. Additionally, the house should include safe areas for instructors and observers.
  • Realism: To provide effective training, the shoot house must closely mimic real-world environments. This includes the use of realistic furniture, fixtures, and other props.
  • Visibility: Good lighting and visibility are essential, both for the trainees and for the instructors who need to monitor the training exercises.

Types of Shoot Houses

There are several types of shoot houses, each designed to meet different training needs. The main types include permanent, modular, and portable shoot houses.

Permanent Shoot Houses

Permanent shoot houses are fixed structures built to provide a long-term training environment. These facilities are often found at military bases or specialized training centers. They offer a wide range of training scenarios and are typically equipped with advanced features like live-fire capabilities, multiple story levels, and integrated surveillance systems.

Permanent tac house built overseas to support training scenarios

Modular Shoot Houses

Modular shoot houses are designed for flexibility. These structures consist of pre-fabricated modules that can be assembled and reconfigured as needed. This allows trainers to quickly adapt the layout to different training scenarios. Modular shoot houses are ideal for facilities that need to provide a variety of training environments without building multiple permanent structures.

Portable Shoot Houses

Portable shoot houses offer the ultimate in flexibility and convenience. These structures can be transported and set up at different locations, providing on-site training opportunities. Portable shoot houses are particularly useful for agencies that need to train personnel in remote or varied environments. They are also cost-effective, as they eliminate the need for permanent training facilities at multiple locations.

Benefits of Tac Houses

Tac houses offer numerous benefits for tactical training. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Realistic Training: Tac houses provide a controlled environment where trainees can practice real-world scenarios without the associated risks.
  • Skill Development: By simulating different environments and scenarios, tac houses help personnel develop a wide range of skills, including room clearing, teamwork, and decision-making under pressure.
  • Safety: Training in a tac house allows personnel to practice high-risk maneuvers safely. The structure is designed to minimize the risk of injury, even during live-fire exercises.
  • Flexibility: Modular and portable shoot houses offer the flexibility to adapt training scenarios to specific needs. This ensures that trainees are prepared for a variety of situations.
  • Cost-Effective: While the initial investment in a tac house can be significant, the long-term benefits and cost savings make it a worthwhile investment. Tac houses reduce the need for multiple training facilities and allow for more efficient use of training resources.


Force on force training in the training ammunition combat house


Tac House Design Features

Designing a tac house involves careful consideration of several key features. These features ensure that the structure is safe, realistic, and effective for training purposes.

Ballistic Protection

One of the most critical design features of a tac house is ballistic protection. The walls, floors, and ceilings must be constructed from materials that can withstand live fire. This prevents bullets from penetrating the structure and reduces the risk of ricochets. Common materials used for ballistic protection include steel plates, ballistic rubber, and specially designed ballistic panels.


Soundproofing is another important consideration in shoot house design. Training exercises often involve the use of firearms and explosives, which can generate significant noise. Soundproofing helps to contain the noise within the shoot house, minimizing disruption to surrounding areas and protecting the hearing of trainees and instructors.

Observation and Monitoring

Effective training requires the ability to observe and monitor exercises. Shoot houses are often equipped with surveillance systems, including cameras and microphones, to allow instructors to watch and listen to trainees in real-time. This enables instructors to provide immediate feedback and ensures that exercises are conducted safely.

Adjustable Layouts

As mentioned earlier, versatility is key in shoot house design. The ability to adjust the layout of the shoot house allows trainers to create a wide range of scenarios. This can involve movable walls, doors, and windows, as well as interchangeable furniture and props. Adjustable layouts keep training exercises fresh and challenging, helping trainees develop a broader set of skills.

The TAC House can be quickly assembled

The Importance of Tac Houses in Training

Tac houses are essential for modern tactical training. They provide a safe and controlled environment where personnel can practice high-risk maneuvers and develop critical skills. Here are some of the reasons why tac houses are so important:

  • Preparation for Real-World Scenarios: Tac houses allow trainees to practice realistic scenarios, preparing them for the challenges they will face in the field. This includes everything from routine operations to high-stakes missions.
  • Teamwork and Communication: Effective tactical operations require strong teamwork and communication. Tac houses provide a setting where trainees can practice working together, coordinating their actions, and communicating effectively under pressure.
  • Stress Management: Tactical operations can be highly stressful. Training in a tac house helps personnel learn to manage stress and make decisions quickly and effectively in high-pressure situations.
  • Confidence Building: By practicing in a realistic environment, trainees build confidence in their skills and abilities. This confidence is crucial for success in real-world operations.

Modular and Portable Shoot Houses: Advantages and Use Cases

Modular and portable shoot houses offer unique advantages over permanent structures. Their flexibility and convenience make them ideal for a variety of training scenarios.

Modular Shoot House

Modular shoot houses are constructed from pre-fabricated modules that can be assembled and reconfigured as needed. This allows trainers to create different layouts and scenarios quickly and easily. The main advantages of modular shoot houses include:

  • Flexibility: Modules can be arranged in various configurations, providing a wide range of training scenarios.
  • Cost-Effective: Modular shoot houses are often more cost-effective than building multiple permanent structures. They can be easily expanded or modified as training needs change.
  • Portability: While modular shoot houses are not as portable as fully portable structures, they can be disassembled and relocated if necessary.

Use cases for modular shoot houses include:

  • Training Centers: Modular shoot houses are ideal for training centers that need to provide a variety of scenarios for different types of training.
  • Law Enforcement Agencies: Police departments and other law enforcement agencies can use modular shoot houses to train officers in different tactical operations.
  • Military Bases: Modular shoot houses are commonly used on military bases to train personnel for urban combat and other operations.

Portable Shoot Houses

Portable shoot houses take flexibility to the next level. These structures can be transported and set up at different locations, providing on-site training opportunities. The main advantages of portable shoot houses include:

  • Convenience: Portable shoot houses can be set up quickly and easily at different locations, providing on-site training without the need for permanent facilities.
  • Cost-Effective: Portable shoot houses eliminate the need for multiple permanent training facilities, reducing costs.
  • Versatility: Portable shoot houses can be used in a variety of environments, from urban areas to remote locations.

Use cases for portable shoot houses include:

  • Remote Training: Portable shoot houses are ideal for training in remote locations where permanent facilities are not available.
  • Special Operations: Special operations units can use portable shoot houses to train for specific missions in different environments.
  • Field Training Exercises: Portable shoot houses can be used in field training exercises, providing realistic scenarios in a controlled environment.


Tac houses, or shoot houses, are essential tools for modern tactical training. These structures provide a safe and controlled environment where military and law enforcement personnel can practice high-risk maneuvers and develop critical skills. Whether permanent, modular, or portable, shoot houses offer numerous benefits, including realistic training scenarios, skill development, and cost-effective solutions for training needs.

The design of a shoot house is critical to its effectiveness, with key features including ballistic protection, soundproofing, observation systems, and adjustable layouts. Modular and portable shoot houses offer unique advantages in terms of flexibility and convenience, making them ideal for a variety of training scenarios.

In conclusion, tac houses play a crucial role in preparing personnel for the challenges they will face in the field. By providing realistic training environments, these structures help trainees develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in real-world operations. Whether for military, law enforcement, or special operations, tac houses are an invaluable asset in the world of tactical training.

If interested in any TAC House products, contact Action Target range sales.

Copendero: A Landmark Project by Action Target

Welcome to a Modern Shooting Sanctuary

Step into Copendero and immerse yourself in 32,000 square feet of modern, meticulously designed space, conceptualized and brought to life by Action Target. This isn’t your typical shooting range; it’s a sprawling Texas retreat that offers a welcoming environment for families, friends, and colleagues to explore the joys of shooting and camaraderie​​.

Cutting-Edge Ranges Enhanced by Action Target’s Innovations

Central to the appeal of Copendero are the shooting ranges, crafted with precision and foresight. The facility features a 25-yard Shooting Range and a 25-yard Tactical Range, alongside the remarkable 100-yard fully indoor rifle range. Action Target’s vision shines here, providing an unparalleled shooting experience where shooters can engage in long-range target practice in an environment that epitomizes control and precision​​.

Genesis and Pilot Retrievers: The Pinnacle of Target Technology

What sets Copendero apart are the Action Target Genesis and Pilot target retrievers, elevating the range to the forefront of shooting technology. The Genesis retrievers are celebrated for their swift, cutting-edge operation, boasting features like integrated cameras, adaptive lighting, and interactive drills. They provide an engaging, efficient shooting experience, ensuring time at the range is spent perfecting your shot, not managing equipment​​.

The Pilot retrievers complement the Genesis systems, offering robust and intuitive use, ensuring that shooters of all skill levels can maximize their time at the range. The combination of Genesis and Pilot systems underscores Action Target’s commitment to innovation and superior range functionality.

Learn More About Target Retreivers

Air Quality and Comfort: Priorities at Copendero

Copendero’s dedication to shooter safety and comfort is exemplified by its top-tier air filtration system, featuring True HEPA technology to ensure the air remains clean and fresh. The climate-controlled ranges provide a comfortable shooting environment year-round, making every visit pleasant, no matter the season outside​​.

Beyond the Range: Dining, Shopping, and Archery

Dining at Holding’s Cafe offers a delightful break from shooting, with a menu that caters to a variety of tastes and the exclusive offering of Black Rifle Coffee Company coffee. This on-site cafe ensures that visitors can enjoy a delicious meal and exceptional coffee as part of their Copendero experience​​​​.

The experience is further enhanced by Copendero’s retail space, where shooters can find a selection of firearms, accessories, and apparel to complement their passion for shooting.

Additionally, the archery range provides a dedicated space for archery enthusiasts, offering classes for all levels, from those just starting out to precision shooters aiming to perfect their craft​​.

Lobby Attractions: Embracing the Texan Spirit

Upon entering, visitors are greeted by the unforgettable sight of two full-size alligator taxidermies in the lobby, an homage to Texas’s rich wildlife heritage and a unique touch that adds to Copendero’s charm. Check out this video from WatchTower Studio to see everything Copendero has to offer.

Conclusion: Experience the Best with Action Target

Action Target’s contributions to Copendero create more than just a range—they forge an immersive experience where technology, safety, and entertainment converge. We invite you to visit Copendero to witness firsthand the quality and care that Action Target invests in every project.

To learn more about how you can build an indoor shooting range like Copendero, feel free to fill out our Build Your Range Form and a range build consultant will be happy to get you started.

Ready Gunner: 2023 Indoor Range Updates & Improvements

At Action Target, we love revisiting indoor shooting ranges we helped build to update and improve existing or outdated equipment. We recently worked with our friends at Ready Gunner in Orem, UT to upgrade target retrievers and install a new Dust Control Unit (DCU).

Upgraded Target Retreivers

Before this recent update, six lanes at Ready Gunner were equipped with our SRET target retriever systems. These budget-friendly target retrievers were a great launchpad for Ready Gunner and served them well for years as they grew their customer base and expanded business. While the SRET is known for its simple design and consistent performance, it isn’t as flexible for customers as they shoot.

The newly installed Pilot target retrievers feature direct drive, wireless motors, and integrate seamlessly with our SmartRange Axis range control system. They offer shooters more variety in shooting distance, programmable drills, and lighting scenarios, and give range staff the ability to focus on customer experience and less on maintaining tired equipment. Learn more about Pilot indoor shooting range retrievers HERE.

Improved Dust Collection

An upgraded Dust Collection Unit (DCU) means anyone shooting or working at Ready Gunner can breathe easy and reduce their exposure to harmful lead dust particulates. This upgraded system pulls lead dust carried into the bullet trap into a collection system via negative pressure, and deposits it into containers which are clean, sealed, and easy to transport for responsible disposal. The DCU uses advanced filtration technology to use less energy, to provide cleaner air, and to improve the lifespan of shooting range HVAC system filters. Learn more about indoor shooting range ventilation HERE.

It’s always a privilege for us at Action Target to visit our shooting range partners and Ready Gunner was no exception. If you’re in the area, head down to Ready Gunner to see their newly updated lanes, and throw some lead down range for us. Check out everything Ready Gunner has to offer right HERE.

The Best of the Best: What Makes an NSSF 5-Star Rated Shooting Range?


For more than 60 years, the National Shooting Sports Foundation has been the standard-bearer for those in the firearms industry. Created in 1961 to promote, protect, and preserve hunting and shooting sports, the NSSF is a trade association with more than 12,000 members across the industry. As part of their mission to promote shooting sports, the NSSF has established a program to recognize shooting ranges that provide outstanding facilities for firearms enthusiasts, known as the NSSF 5-Star Rating System.

According to Star Rating System Guide released by the NSSF in 2018, the rating system serves the following purpose:

“The rating system is based on our vision of a safe, well managed, customer-oriented facility that is a strong promoter in the recreational shooting sports market. NSSF’s new Star Rating Range Program will hold facilities to a higher standard. These 5 Star-rated ranges will be the gold standard for our industry, those ranges having earned that rating through their focus on advancing best business practices.”

With 68 ranges currently qualifying for a 5-Star Rating, Action Target is proud to have partnered with 29 ranges who have earned an NSSF 5-Star rating. Below is a list of qualifying ranges associated with Action Target.

Action Target Partners with NSSF 5-Star Ratings

Gunfighter Canyon – WilliamsWilliams,
Kings Gun Center LLCHanford,
Centennial Gun ClubCentennial,
Nexus ShootingDavie,
Shooters World, LLCOrlando,
Shooters World, LLCTamp,
Shooters World, LLCThe Villages,
Guns-n-Gear Sports LLCIdaho Falls,
Maxon Shooter’s Supplies and Indoor RangeDes Plaines,
On Target Range & Tactical Training CenterCrystal Lake,
Smokin’ Gun WorxForreston,
Firearms Range and Clothing, Inc.Baton Rouge,
Cape Gun WorksHyannis, Massachusetts
Ann Arbor Arms LLCAnn Arbor,
Top Gun Shooting Sports, Inc.Taylor,
Heartland Gun Club & RangeRochester,
White Birch ArmoryDover, New
RTSP, LLCRandolph, New
Reloaderz NJWayne, New
Carolina Sporting ArmsCharlotte, North
Heritage Guild of Easton, LLCEaston,
Keystone Shooting CenterMars,
Nashville ArmoryNashville,
Nardis Gun Club at Alamo RanchSan Antonio,
Nardis Gun Club at Rolling OaksSan Antonio,
Nardis Gun Club – San AntonioSan Antonio,
Bellevue Gun ClubBellevue, Washington
The Range LLCYakima,
Lehigh Valley Sporting ClaysCoplay,

What Does It Take?

The process of becoming a 5-Star Rated Range with NSSF is one a new—or existing—range owner can complete with their existing business. The NSSF qualifies ranges for a 3-5 Rating based on the following criteria:

  1. Appearance and Maintenance: The range must be clean, well-maintained, and visually appealing to shooters and visitors.
  2. Management: This includes integration of technology, general business management, and marketing tactics together ensure a quality customer experience.
  3. Shooting Sports Development: This evaluation looks at the procedures and policies in your business that support the promotion and development of shooting sports for the public. This includes public events and range availability, community engagement, and environmental practices to ensure safe range operation for the facility and staff.
  4. Amenities: This evaluation considers the offerings of your business to the public, including restrooms, stocked pro shop or retail spaces, and compliance with ADA accessibility and other requirements.

Benefits of Being a 5-Star Range

Now that we know what it takes to be a 5-Star Rated Range, what are the benefits of being rated so highly? There are several benefits, some of which include:

  1. Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty: The 5-star rating is a recognition of excellence in the industry, and customers are likely to be attracted to ranges with this rating.
  2. Improved reputation and visibility: Being recognized as a 5-star range can help to establish a positive reputation in the industry and increase visibility among shooting sports enthusiasts.
  3. Potential for increased revenue: Customers are willing to pay more for a superior experience and being a 5-star rated range can lead to increased revenue from range fees, merchandise sales, and other services.
  4. Access to NSSF resources: 5-star rated ranges have access to resources provided by the NSSF, such as training programs and marketing materials, which can help improve operations and attract more customers.
  5. Networking opportunities: The NSSF hosts events and conferences that provide opportunities for range owners to network with other industry professionals and learn about best practices in the industry.

Being rated 5 stars from the NSSF is mark of excellence that can help attract new business and other range owners to follow your example.

Action Target’s Role

At Action Target, we specialize in engineering range solutions that are expertly planned and installed, so you can be confident in the product you receive. This leads to high reviews from customers, more profitable ranges, better training options, and a safer experience for shooters and staff at your range.

Because of our commitment to excellence, 42% of NSSF 5-Star Ranges partnered with Action Target. Our projects and experience from around the globe has made Action Target a leader in the firearms industry, and NSSF’s rating system shows that Action Target continues to confidently provide quality service to both new and existing ranges.

“At Action Target, we are proud to have built many of the NSSF 5-star rated shooting ranges across the country” says Mike Birch, Action Target CEO. “We take great pride in designing and building state-of-the-art facilities that meet the highest standards of safety, comfort, and performance. Being a part of the process that helps ranges earn this prestigious rating is a testament to the quality of work and dedication of our team. We look forward to continuing to build and improve shooting range solutions for the benefit of the industry and its customers.”


Action Target has played a significant role in establishing many of the NSSF 5-star rated shooting ranges across the country. Our dedication to designing and building state-of-the-art facilities and range product solutions that meet the highest standards of safety, comfort, and performance has helped many ranges earn this prestigious rating. As a result, customers can enjoy an exceptional shooting experience while range owners benefit from increased customer satisfaction, improved reputation, and potential for increased revenue. By continuing to build and improve shooting ranges, Action Target is helping to promote and preserve hunting and shooting sports and ensuring that customers have access to the best facilities in the industry.

The creation of the NSSF’s 5-Star rating system was put in place to recognize “safe, well managed, customer-oriented” facilities for their excellence in preparing and training shooters across the country. Action Target’s mission to “build the safest and most advanced shooting ranges possible” aligns perfectly with this goal, which is only emphasized by the large amount of Action Target ranges who have earned a 5-Star Rating.          

Target Systems and Gun Range Types

Action Target™ designs and creates industry-leading, state-of-the-art gun ranges and target systems that provide unrivaled firearms training and proficiency. Whether you use your range for training, qualification, decision-making, or entertainment, your Action Target range provides an engaging, safe, and environmentally responsible shooting environment. A crucial component of any gun range is the target system employed on the range. Action Target offers a wide variety of target systems that allow you to optimize your range to your shooting discipline, simulate real shooting environments, and maximize the effectiveness of your range. These target systems seamlessly integrate into indoor gun ranges, outdoor gun ranges and modular small arms ranges.

Target Systems

  • Genesis™ and Pilot™ target retrievers offer dynamic target presentations that turn, tease, and spin targets to provide an unpredictable experience for the shooter. These systems are ideal for charging drills and custom scenarios that require life-like behavior and variable target distances. Common scenarios include law enforcement qualifications, firearm proficiency training, and commercial games.
  • SRET™ is Action Target’s longest-standing target retriever. The base model SRET is the most economical offering from Action Target and includes a toggle switch that sends a target out and back. An optional keypad interface provides a digital readout of target location and allow you to expand device capabilities to meet the needs of your range.
  • Dual Running Man Pro™ target systems move targets laterally along a track at variable speeds (walk, jog, run) to provide weapons training with moving targets. The DRM Pro solution is popular with law enforcement and military installations.
  • Turning Targets can rotate target positions by 90°, 180°, and 360°. Turning targets present shoot or no-shoot scenarios at or before cognitive reaction timing—ideal for qualification and decision-making training with law enforcement and military personnel. Indoor (ceiling-mounted) and outdoor (ground-mounted) installations are available with pneumatic and electric controls.
  • Autotargets™ are reactive targets that use hit-sensing technology to detect target strikes. With each strike, the Autotarget sends a digital signal to an app that tracks draw speed, split times, and strike location. Autotargets are available with zone-based targets that divide strikes into multiple scoring zones (center mass and outer-body) and E-type targets that offer single zone strike detection. Autotargets are modular and wireless, deploy anywhere, and sync together to form a mesh network.
  • Pneumatic Bobbers are reactive steel targets that challenge a shooter’s speed, accuracy, and judgement. Targets pop up from and retreat behind total cover, forcing shooters to concentrate on shot placement. Separate shoot no-shoot target plates require shooters to make split-second decisions on which target they want to shoot. Innovative training software controls presentation times and intervals.
  • Line of Fire™ shooting ranges incorporate multiple target systems in a single line of fire. Target systems include the Dual Running Man Pro, turning targets, swing-up targets, and pneumatic bobbers. This turnkey range solution is unparalleled when creating dynamic training environments. Line of Fire ranges are self-contained and frame-mounted, so you can expand your range with ease—all you need is flat ground and a suitable backstop or bullet trap. Line of Fire ranges do not require railroad ties, concrete, or other protective walls in front of the targets because they include an angled AR500 steel knee wall.

Range Types

  • Indoor Ranges are completely enclosed spaces that use safety baffles, bullet traps, shooting stalls, sound abatement, range lighting, air filtration, and ventilation to provide the safest possible shooting environment. Indoor ranges feature ceiling-mounted target retrievers, turning targets, floor-mounted Autotargets, and shooting stalls.
  • Outdoor Ranges typically have minimal infrastructure requirements, but support the installation of safety baffles, shooting stalls, bullet traps, and other protection solutions that reduce the risk of ricochet or injury—especially when in proximity of neighboring communities. Outdoor ranges feature ground-mounted turners, bobbers, DRM Pro retrievers, Line of Fire products, and Autotargets.
  • Modular Ranges are the ultimate in portable, self-contained, modular small arms ranges. Action Target and Cover Six partnered to create the Arcas™ DLX, MBL, and EXT, a series of modular gun range solutions you can place anywhere, with minimal site infrastructure required. These self-contained ranges feature ceiling-mounted target retrievers, DRM Pro target systems, turning targets, and ground-mounted Autotargets.
    • Arcas DLX – Is the new standard for modular small arms ranges, scaling to meet specific project requirements of up to 14 lanes and a 100M target distance. This deluxe configuration features an open-bay concept that does not require vertical supports mid-range and uses fewer modules than its competitors.
    • Arcas EXT – Deploys quickly and with minimal infrastructure, providing up to 3 lanes and a 100M target distance. Instead of the industry’s standard of reusing containers, the Arcas EXT utilizes purpose-built modules that combine seamlessly to create an unmatched finished product.
    • Arcas MBL – A mobile, chassis-mounted module built for the road. Fully portable, this range goes where it’s needed and includes all options and features found in any typical fixed-location small arms range.

Reach out to the Action Target Range Design Consultants to discuss your next range project.




Media Contact:
Jesse Nelson
[email protected]
Action Target
3411 Mountain Vista Parkway
Provo, Utah 84606


Step by Step Process to Develop and Build Your Shooting Range

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to receive the best tools and information you will need to successfully complete your shooting range project. Attendance at the Range Development and Design Seminar allows you to meet with range consultants and other subject matter experts, visit local shooting ranges, and get answers to your questions about running a successful shooting range.

Topics Include

  • Experiences from Successful Range Owners
  • Range Design and Equipment
  • Identifying your Range Location
  • Navigating City Planning, Zoning, and Permitting
  • Lead Management Solutions
  • HVAC and Range Ventilation
  • Managing your Range and Retail Space
  • Public and Community Relations