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Range Installations
Defender Stall
Steel Targets
Target Retrievers
Once you have built your range put in the industry’s best targets.Visit our online store to shop for steel targets and range supplies.
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Donald Morrow
Territory Manager
Office: 804-334-8692
[email protected]
Shannon Leetham
Account Manager
Office: 801-705-9170
John Rotolo
Office: 801-705-9159
Cell: 801-636-2939
Terry Sorenson
Office: 801-396-1205
Brandon Tackett
Office: 801-705-9127
Ralston Ramkissoon
Office: 801-396-1221
Wyatt Davis
Office: 801-396-1226
Cell: 801-971-8358
David Blocker
Sales Associate
Office: 801-396-1203
Tyler Mousser
Office: 801-396-1246
Aaron Ludwig
Office: 801-705-9132
Cell: 801-592-6613
Chris Hart
Office: 801-705-9149
Cell: 801-319-1314
Jason Xochimitl
Office: 801-705-9112
Cell: 801-376-2722
Stephanie Thomas
Office: 801-705-9123
Cell: 203-451-5928
Kelli Cutler
Office: 801-705-9111
Cell: 801-319-1198
Joseph Manneh
Al Azimah for Technology – Jordan
Office: +962-6-5549777
Cell: +962-78-9999944
Marwan R. Abu Ghazi
Action Target Middle East – UAE
Office: +971-2-6434802
Cell: +971-50-6629967
Mohammed Alsalloum
Science Technology for Military Equipment (STME) – Saudi Arabia
Office: +966 11 481 9959
Cell: +966 54 660 0006
Phone: 801-396-1224
Email: [email protected]
Shop Now
Office Phone801-377-8033
Physical AddressAction Target3411 S. Mountain Vista PkwyProvo, UT 84606map it
Toll-Free Phone888-377-8033
Mailing AddressAction Target3411 S. Mountain Vista PkwyProvo, UT 84606
For questions and information regarding Action Target equipment that you have previously purchased, please contact your rep or our technical support. For all other inquiries and questions, including help with future purchases, contact a rep to assist you.
Technical Support Hotline877-852-2418
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For Action Target Public Relations and media inquiries please contact: Nick Stewart email | (801) 396-1251
For all other contacts or to request a quote please fill out the following: