
What is Frangible Ammo?

What is Frangible Ammo? Frangible ammo refers to specialized bullets designed with a unique construction that breaks apart upon impact with hard surfaces. Unlike traditional lead or jacketed bullets, frangible bullets are typically made from compressed powder or metal particles held together by a binding agent. When the bullet strikes

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What is a Shooting Range Wall Baffle?

What is a Wall Baffle? At Action Target, we understand the vital components that create a safe and efficient shooting range environment. A wall baffle is a crucial element in this setup. A wall baffle is a specialized structure installed on shooting range walls designed to capture and redirect bullets,

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What is a Shooting Range Stall?

What is a Shooting Range Stall? Range stall refers to the designated area within a shooting range where shooters prepare their firearms, load ammunition, and make necessary adjustments before stepping onto the firing line. It acts as a controlled environment, ensuring safety protocols are followed and providing a secure space

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Spokane County Sheriff’s New Indoor Shooting Range

In the realm of law enforcement training, the quality of facilities plays a pivotal role in ensuring officers are well-prepared for the challenges they face in the field. Recognizing this, Spokane County Sheriff’s Department has unveiled its brand-new indoor shooting range, setting a new benchmark for training excellence. This state-of-the-art

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Bullet Catchers: Ensuring Safety and Sustainability with Action Target

What is a Bullet Catcher? A bullet catcher, more commonly referred to as a bullet trap, is a specialized safety device designed to capture and contain bullets fired during shooting practice or testing. Installed in shooting ranges, ballistic testing facilities, and military training centers, bullet catchers are engineered to safely

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What are Popper Targets?

Enhance Your Shooting Experience with Action Target’s Popper Targets: A Comprehensive Guide What is a Popper Target? A popper target is a revolutionary addition to the realm of shooting targets. Unlike conventional stationary targets, popper targets are ingeniously designed to move dynamically upon impact. Mounted on pivots or hinges, these

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What are target retrievers?

Target Retrievers are a mechanical system designed to transport shooting targets closer to or farther from the shooter. Typically found at indoor shooting ranges, these retrievers allow shooters to place their targets at various distances and retrieve them without walking downrange. They enhance the shooting experience by providing an efficient

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What is AR500 steel?

AR500 Steel: A specific type of high-carbon steel known for its hardness and durability. The “AR” stands for “Abrasion Resistant,” and the “500” refers to its Brinell hardness number. This makes AR500 a superior steel, especially when it comes to handling the intense impact of bullets. Why is AR500 steel

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Firearm Maintenance: The Essential Guide to Cleaning and Safety After Range Time

Introduction Firearms, akin to precision instruments, demand meticulous care and attention. Whether you’re an avid marksman or just starting your journey, mastering the art of firearm maintenance is paramount. This expanded guide delves deeper into the nuances of gun cleaning, safety, and the best practices to ensure your firearm remains

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New Range | Goodyear PD

Action Target August 28th, 2023 | Goodyear, AZ Every year we work with law enforcement agencies around the world to build state of the art training facilities where officers can develop and maintain the skills they need to protect and serve their communities. We recently partnered with Goodyear PD in

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